Hi everyone!
Remember my post where I talked about the annoying teenagers in my street? Well, I have an update!
After the events around new years (big fire, threats, etc(Read my earlier post, the new years one)) some people from my neighbourhood sent a letter to our mayor, requesting a meeting in wich we and the mayor/police could tell their stories.
Well, last week me, my dad and some neigbours had the meeting with the mayor.
Not just the mayor, but also a chief from the police and a guy who knows a lot about safety and youthcare.
The mayor let us talk first, this was great, since we had a lot to say. We started by explaining the letter, and telling all the stuff that happened. After that we said that we had the feeling nothing was done about our complaints and those teenagers. Sure, there are some police cars driving through the street, but the teenagers notice the policecars and get inside the house of one of my neighbours, a guy who helps the teenagers. So when the policemen make a report, there is nothing to report, because the teenagers went inside.
Then it was time for the police chief to talk.
He said that our street is a 'hotspot'. This means the police are observing our street EVERY DAY.
Furthermore, they are busy dealing with the teenagers, but it's all happening 'backstage'. So it looks to us there isn't anything happening, but actually there is. (They say, I still haven't seen any changes)
He also told us they can't really do something, unless they catch the teenagers doing something illegal.
He also mentioned to us, the police have been talking to the guy who helps the teenagers.
When the police talks to him, he is very open and says he will help the police and talk with the teenagers, but when he is at home, and the teenagers are there, he does nothing. The police even named him 'TwoFaced' (Batman, we need you!)
All jokes aside, we came to some agreements:
1. Everytime the teenagers are being a nuisance, and irritating, we have to phone the police. Because the more complaints the police has, the more they can do.
2. Both parties (us and the police/mayor) will do their best and have another meeting in about two months.
Tl;Dr: The police sucks and told us they can't so anything, unless the teenagers do something illegal.
So it has to go wrong before they can act.. What happened to 'Preventing is better than curing'?